The plants from which the root is obtained are also called 'mandrakes'.
was made, for example, during the trial of Lucretia Vigo (q.v). A mandrake is the root of a plant, historically derived either from plants of the genus Mandragora found in the Mediterranean region, or from other species, such as Bryonia alba, the English mandrake, which have similar properties. This belief returned during the period of the witch hunts. was used for making spells, magical philtres and poisons. Bryony roots (q.v.) were used as substitutes. roots were bought and sold, with prices reaching as much as sixty florins. Translations of its names mean, burning/fire, apple of the devil, human shaped, the fire, demon balls, alraunwurzel, circe’s plant, galgenmannlein (gallows man). Well-drained soil is a must or the roots, which resemble parsnips, will rot. Common Names: mandrake has had many names over the thousands of years it has been known to man.
The effigies were clad in dresses which were changed at each new moon. The mandrake is an uprooted and brown root with a sour face and a peculiar body shape that first appears in WarioWare: Touched It is based on the poisonous. Mandrake prefers full sun but will tolerate some shade. They were believed to offer protection from illnesses, to bring good fortune during trials, and to ensure fertility and uncomplicated births. The root of the m., which is a valued ingredient in medicine and herb lore, long ago had great import in superstitions, particularly among the Nordlings human effigies (called alruniks or alrunes) were carved from it and kept in homes as revered talismans. Common Names: Mandrake Root Whats It Used For As with all herbal remedies, be sure to consult with doctor before. Its berries, which are green and later turn yellow, are eaten with vinegar and pepper, while its leaves are consumed raw. M.autumnalis or officinalis, is cultivated on a small scale in Vicovaro, Rowan and Ymlac, rarely found in the wild. Magical/Mystical Root for Spellwork, Wicca, Pagan, Witchcraft.

Mandrake, or Love Apple, is a class of plant from the Mandragora or nightshade family, a group including herbaceous, stemless plants with parsnip-like roots, in which a similarity to the human form may be observed the leaves are arranged in a rosette. Mandrake Root 3D Charm Harry Potter Pendant Bracelet Jewelry - Charm Crazy.